
                     Best Home Remedies for Hairloss and Baldness

Hair loss and baldness have become a very common thing in men and women. 

There are several reasons for hair loss like-Dandruff, stress, excess use of chemical shampoo, scalp infection, deficiency of vitamins in the body, unhealthy diet, etc.

People find themselves suffering from this disease, which is a constant problem of hair fall. According to a survey, about 70% of people are victims of this disease. However, one of the essential reasons behind male pattern baldness is a hormonal irregularity or hormonal changes. 

Male pattern baldness in men is firmly identified with the adjustments in the testosterone levels otherwise called androgenetic alopecia. 

Hair loss patterns in men apollo
Hair loss pattern in men

Top home remedies to prevent hair fall

 1. Onion Juice: Onion juice is very effective for hair growth, take a half onion and blend it squeeze the mixture for getting the juice. Apply the juice on your scalp or effective area, leave it for 30 minutes after that wash hair. Onion juice is very effective for men with irregular hair fall. 

 2. Massage: Massage your head 3 to 4 times a week. You can use amla oil, coconut oil, almond or olive oil for massage.
Take any of the above-mentioned oils and gently apply it on the head with the palm. Keep massaging with light hands for about 10 minutes, and then leave it for at least 15 minutes, after that wash your head.
 Massage will stop hair loss, at the same time you will feel refreshed and blood circulation will also be fine in the body.

Massaging hair to prevent hair loss
Massaging hair

 3. Fenugreek seeds and oil: Take some fenugreek seeds and fry them in coconut oil, when it cools down apply it on your head, Gently massage it on your hair and scalp, so that paste is reached to hair roots.
  Massage head 3-4 times a week, you will get great benefits.

 4. Henna: Henna not only prevents hair fall but also gives hair shine and makes it beautiful.
 Take some leaves of henna, boil it in mustard oil,
 Now let it cool down, apply it on your head when it cools down and yes if coconut oil is replaced instead of mustard then it is better.

 5. Curd and Gram Flour: Take 2-3 teaspoons fresh curd and make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons gram flour in it. Now apply it on hair for a while before taking a bath

 6. Honey: Take two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of olive oil, Make a paste and apply it on the head. Do this 2-3 times a week, within 3-4 months will give good results.

 7. Amla (Gooseberry): Take a dry amla and cut it and boil it in coconut oil, Now let it cool down and then fill this mixture in a bottle. Try to use this oil daily at least 15 minutes before bath. It will make the roots of hair strong.

 8. Amla and Lemon Juice: Take an equal amount of amla and lemon juice and mix well, Now use it as a shampoo before taking a bath. It will prevent hair loss.

 9. Egg: Mix egg yolk and honey in equal quantity and apply this on the scalp as well as hair, leave it about 30 minutes after that wash your hair, do it 3-4 times a week.

 10. Guava leaves: Take some guava leaves and boil it in 1 liter of water. Continue the boiling until the color of the water turns black. When the water gets cool, massage your head with this water. By doing this, the roots of the hair are strengthened and hair loss goes to a great extent.

Guvava leaves for hair loss
Guava leaves for hair loss


 1. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins, protein, and minerals in the diet.

 2. After bathing, use soft towels to dry the hair.

 3. Use conditioner after shampooing in hair.

 4. Massage your hair in the night at least twice a week, In the morning wash your head. 

5. The problem of long hair loss and thinning is more, so keep the hair short.

 6. Most shampoos in the market are equipped with chemicals, so use a mild shampoo.


1. Since stress is the cause of hair loss, do not take excessive stress.
Don't take stress to prevent hair loss
Taking stress is the reason for hair loss 

 2. Do not use hair straightening and hair curling tools more. 

3. Do not use anti-dandruff shampoo for a long time. 

4. Do not use hair gel every day.

 5. Do not comb wet hair.

 6. Do not apply conditioner to the hair for more than five minutes. 

7. Excessive use of henna in the hair creates a coat on them, so do not use excessive henna.

These home remedies will definitely keep you away from baldness and hair loss. Treating your hair with care since early can help to prevent male pattern baldness and reduces the harm which happens because of it. 

Stay healthy, be happy and keep visiting HealthApollo 😃

(Disclosure: The writer of this blog is not a trained medical professional, nor a dietician. All of the information in this blog is based on research and personal experience.)

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